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Service, E-Commerce

Waitrose Rapid Delivery

Grocery delivery within 2 hours


Waitrose & Partners, John Lewis Partnership


  • User research
  • Analytics
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • Click-map user-testing
  • User testing
  • Responsive design
  • Acceptance Criteria creation
  • Design QA & testing


Waitrose Rapid is a quick-delivery service; launched to offer customers a same-day delivery on their grocery shopping.

Existing data, analytics and empathy-mapping

Together with on-site analytical data and feedback surveys, we carried out an empathy-mapping workshop for the end-to-end experience. Below each step of the journey we mapped pains, gains and communications.

Empathy-mapping workshop


Poor customer struggle score

Homepage browse, August 2019


Weak conversion on Delivery Address

Checkout delivery, August 2019

Problems with the previous interface, identified from analytics, heuristic evaluation and against Baynard Institute benchmarks were:

  • Categories were broad, vague and users could not easily infer the scope of products easily in each cateogry
  • Secondary hierachy (intermediary category) pages are hidden and not directly accessible from the homepage. On mobile, categories could not be navigated to via menu.

User Research

To understand better user-needs I organised a card-sorting research activity with existing customers. Particpants were asked to rank scenarios in order of frequency, from never - always. A questionnaire also gave users an opportunity describe scenarios we may not have accounted for.

Card-sorting research activity. User-need and scenario hierachy

Identifying user and business goals

The primary goal of Rapid was to provide a quick delivery service for groceries. It was essential the interface would:

  1. Allow users to quickly navigate to products for a rapid shopping experience
  2. Allow users to easy view popular & favourite products
  3. Communicate clearly the scope of categories

Low fidelity wireframing

70% of mobile users, when landing directly on the homepage, will try to infer the type of site and the breadth of products carried by performing a “Scroll & Scan” of the homepage contents.

The hypothesis was shortcuts beneath each category would give stronger indication of category breadth and quick navigation to popular product-list-pages.

Homepage shortcuts & navigational drawer wireframes

To test our assumptions on how the category shortcuts would perform, I organised a remote click-map task with 27 participants. Participants were tasked with finding a particular product by browsing. The results gave a healthy indication shortcuts were being not only being used, but guiding users to click primary categories. This validated our assumptions on user behaviour for the design.

Click-map user-testing. 24 participants using Optimal Workshop. Category shortcuts

Coded prototypes

A coded prototype was created to test how the design would responsively scale and pressure-tested the shortcuts.

Coded prototype of category shortcuts A: Lifestyle imagery

To give more allowance for longer shortcut labels and prevent text-overflow issues, block shortcuts instead of inline were implemented.

Lifestyle imagery did not communicate the scope of category effectively. To help navigation and communicating scope, product-led imagery was chosen as being more relevant. When testing both prototypes, the product-led approach out-performed the lifestyle images for helpfulness to navigate. However, the lifestyle images were cognitively easier. The decision was made to use a combination of both approaches.

Coded prototype of category shortcuts B: Product-led imagery

Outcome and performance

One month after pushing the new designs live, we repeated analytics and heat mapping. The results were positive and booking conversions had improved significantly on mobile. Through-traffic had improved from the homepage to the experience and gift page.

SessionCam click and attention heatmaps
Favourites accessible on the homepage
Waitrose Rapid landing page
Waitrose Rapid landing page
Waitrose Rapid landing page


Increase in through-traffic to List Pages

Popular Categories, Oct 2019


Increased checkout delivery step

Checkout Delivery, Oct 2019

Interactive Prototype

An interactive prototype demonstrated the expandable navigation menu.

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